Best Plate Award
Gus Oliver (#8407) & Jordan Irazabal (#11010)
It’s time once again to nominate your favorite new plate of the year from the raft of general issue, optional, tribal, and international plates introduced during calendar year , or the last two weeks of and not previously nominated. The deadline for nominations is December 31, .
Over the years, the Best Plate Award program has benefitted ALPCA and its members with positive media exposure, particularly with motor vehicle administrators. Many motor vehicle agencies donate plates to our annual convention auction, generating several thousands of dollars to support ALPCA. To date, the program has recognized 60 plates, including the iconic 1970 Northwest Territories polar bear shape plate.
Don’t assume that someone else will nominate your favorite plate. It’s better that several members nominate the same plate than let a worthy plate miss out because it was never nominated.
When nominating a plate, consider both its attractiveness and legibility.
Each member can nominate one new general issue or optional plate—issued anywhere in the world, for any type of motor vehicle.
Send your nomination along with a good-quality (200 dpi or better) image to If nominating via postal mail, send a good-quality photographic print to Gus Oliver, 6001 W 81st St, Tulsa, OK 74131.
Only one nominee for each issuing jurisdiction will proceed to the final round. Nominations of essentially similar plates will be combined. If multiple nominees are received from the same jurisdiction, the more popular plate will be accepted. In the event of an excessive number of nominations, a committee will be appointed to winnow the nominees down to a manageable list of finalists. I will make reasonable efforts to verify each nominee’s eligibility.
Once nominees are published, please vote! Nominees will be pictured on this page and in the April issue of PLATES, which will also contain a paper ballot. The voting deadline will be May 1, .